
Showing posts from February, 2020

Autonomous-driving disruption | Technology, use cases, & opportunities | Arya College

An innovative hub of autonomous innovative technology The terms autonomous and autonomy in everyone’s life directly connect with transportation. This mobility trend will be part of our future life. By adding electrification, industry-leading companies, decision-makers, and investors require to make some extreme decisions to carry out the transformation and survive in this process. One of the biggest concerns attached to the autonomous vehicle technology trend is the disappearance of some traditional sectors. Also, it includes a decrease in business areas. In fact, the transformation of labor-intensive sectors to technology-intensive sectors and the problems it carries plays a significant topic that may never be solved. However, there are also positive elements of autonomous cars. An autonomous vehicle can pick you up at any time from anywhere you want and take you to your destination while working or relaxing. Besides, disabled and blind individuals can easily travel with au

The dynamic impact of Innovation Quotient on the lifecycle

The dynamic impact of Innovation Quotient on the lifecycle The world is changing very rapidly. There are new products, processes, technologies, and ideas every day. This has changed the dynamics of what we do and how we think. As a result of new innovations, we have the chance to live better and longer. However, it has the ability to take control of our lives in different ways. By introducing new technologies and applications, users can now scan bar codes, send faxes, pay bills, bank checks, and even send emails using our handheld devices. How innovations affect the healthcare industry? Health Care industry always requires innovation quotient and the introduction of new technologies. Medical Research is one of the most technologically advanced fields. Researchers are constantly seeking and finding new and innovative ways to save or improve more lives. Therefore, it will allow Health Care professionals to find different ways to stop the epidemic of Diabetes. For this, student

Dot NET Framework Development Guide | Arya College

Best tools and technologies for .NET based web application In the digital world, there are millions of different types of websites. A website is where you can find interactive information about a person, business, or organization. However, to make a website function in a specific way, students of  Engineering Colleges  need a web application solution. When it comes to web application development, there are many different types of solutions to choose from. In addition, an individual can filter through the various solutions depending on how they want their application to run and function. Today, one of the most dynamic web applications used in the business is .NET. Microsoft began the development of the .NET Framework in the late ’90s. However, it is originally under the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). It is a Microsoft web services strategy to connect information, people, systems and devices through the .NET software. In addition, it makes it really efficient

Big Data vs Data Science - How Are They Different ?

Is it worthwhile to take training for big data? Big data is considered as the lifeblood of any business that is successful. Purchasing the right technology for your business can be both challenging and tricky. But sometimes, constructing a team with the right kind of skills is even more challenging. It is with the rise in demand for data science training and certifications. Data is exploding from everywhere, no matter whether you run a traditional system or a modern one. With the help of data science training, it is possible to serve a diverse set of data and make the right decisions. Therefore, if you are willing to serve your organization in making an informed decision, data science training can be the best option. Is data science a bets option for data analytics? To get that edge in the field of big data analytics, data science is a crucial requirement. These certifications help the skills and knowledge to recognize in the industry. When the industry comes to recognize y

Define Creativity in the 21st Century Classroom | Arya College

How creativity acts as a stepping stone In a competitive world, it is important to develop basic literacy and numerical skills. Students of  Engineering Colleges in Jaipur  must have a broad basis of knowledge in the sciences and the arts. They must also develop analytical skills and good judgment, social and physical skills along with creative skills additionally. While talking about creativity, the majority of people focus on painting pictures, singing songs and staging shows. In other words, the arts are creative. However, it is time to broaden the scope of creativity in schools and colleges and indeed in the education system. Researchers have found that creative competencies are teachable and learnable. We are now living in times where more and more people are recognizing the immense value of creativity at the workplace and in life. In the process of integrating creativity in education in practice, educators are faced with a number of key challenges: How can we teach o

What are some technology trends to push up digital education?

How to lead the shift to the digital world? With the advent of time, there is a significant shift in how human beings learn their bigger deal than the printing press and happening a lot faster. However, every person believes in the speed and quality of transition with personal digital learning. With the leading shift in the near future, we could see a significant improvement in career readiness and economic participation. The next-generation learning will combine environments that combine face-to-face and online learning with policies. It will allow the students of Top Engineering Colleges to progress as they demonstrate their expertise. These environments properly prepare and engage students while improving working conditions for teachers. This shift cannot be avoided. Almost every student of  Best Engineering Colleges  already lives in the personal digital future. Combining organizational design, technology integration, and large-scale change management is challenging and

Why does today's technology need young women?

Why women should drive the future of technology? The benefits of encouraging the young generation to seek STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers are many. Students seeking careers in these fields can have jobs in the future and also create their own. A large percentage of our population consists of such individuals who do not pursue careers in STEM. These individuals are young women. Young women have a great deal to offer to these worlds. For instance, they could provide a much-needed fresh perspective to existing concepts in these fields. Young women may have new ideas that have yet to be explored. However, the opportunities for the furthering of knowledge are very high. Make the career more attractive The key to attracting young women and girls to STEM-related fields is to change the negative image. The first step to take would be to establish an understanding that STEM fields are where the jobs of tomorrow are. There is and will continue to be

What do you need to know about digital literacy skills?

Digital literacy in the engineering classroom Digital literacy  is the most important factor for success in modern life. It has become a necessary component of the curriculum across the globe. An undergraduate cannot imagine their life without the internet today. Therefore, it is quite obvious for the engineering colleges to nurture their familiarity with the technology to the students. It encourages its use in both learning and teaching. What is digital literacy in common? Teaching digital literacy is about more than just integrating technology into lesson plans. It is also based on using technology to understand and enhance modern communication, to locate oneself in digital space, to manage knowledge and experience in the Age of Information. Teachers of B Tech Colleges need to understand how digital publication affects the meaning of a text. Below are the top dos and don’ts to get the experience, when it comes to making students digitally literate. Having good  digital

How startups are revolutionizing educational technology world

Fresh educational technology startups (Edtech startups) mark an important place in today’s world. However, experts encounter innovations that can really level up the productiveness of students and teachers. With the right tools, the classroom can become a motivational setting that inspires every student and teacher to give their best. The following tools are some of the most successful recent educational technology concepts that can achieve that. HSTRY There is the biggest reason, why history is the least favorite subject of many students. This is because the textbooks are too “textual” and boring. However, learning facts and dates about significant historical events is complex. But there are some applications like “HSTRY” that makes this information more fun than ever. It enables the students to visualize the studying material, collaborate through the cool social features and engage each other in team projects. Campuscene This is one of the most significant tools for col

Encouraging Important facts about learning Science | Arya College

Encouraging facts about learning From taking a walk to learning a new language, there are various different things students can do to improve the way we learn. There are some steps toward a better brain: Laughter boosts brain function According to research, it is found that laughter not only increases one’s capacity to remember the humor but also provides a feeling of security and contentment. Both of them will enhance learning and retention. Personality is more important than intelligence Personality is more important than intelligence when it comes to success in education. It has conducted the largest review of personality and academic performance. He based these reviews on the fundamental personality factors and found that Openness has the biggest influence on academic success. Educational institutions need to focus less on intelligence and instead pay more attention to each student’s personality. Improve your memory with one simple technique A learning technique

What are the ways to make learning innovative?

What are the ways to make learning innovative? Enhancing and scaling online learning is an important focus for  Engineering Colleges . It strives to advance personalized learning strategies using technology and to expand access to both residential and new student audiences. Some of the resources are as follows: ResearchGate It is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. In addition, educators can stay up-to-date with the latest research or post requests for research findings on specific topics. American Psychological Association The largest scientific and professional organization represents psychology in the United States. It has more than 122,500 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students as its members. Here, they can study research on online learning and psychology. EDUCAUSE Library It is an international repository for information that targets the use and manage