The dynamic impact of Innovation Quotient on the lifecycle

The dynamic impact of Innovation Quotient on the lifecycle

The world is changing very rapidly. There are new products, processes, technologies, and ideas every day. This has changed the dynamics of what we do and how we think. As a result of new innovations, we have the chance to live better and longer. However, it has the ability to take control of our lives in different ways. By introducing new technologies and applications, users can now scan bar codes, send faxes, pay bills, bank checks, and even send emails using our handheld devices.

How innovations affect the healthcare industry?

Health Care industry always requires innovation quotient and the introduction of new technologies. Medical Research is one of the most technologically advanced fields. Researchers are constantly seeking and finding new and innovative ways to save or improve more lives. Therefore, it will allow Health Care professionals to find different ways to stop the epidemic of Diabetes. For this, students of Top Engineering Colleges have developed a new Smartphone application known as DiabetesIQ.
They have connected the theory of managing diabetes to everyday reality by allowing users to share and compare results. However, it aims to improve human health by turning the task of managing diabetes into an interactive game experience and bringing it to users, through educative games and quizzes where participants compare their answers with others. Diabetes is a serious business but DiabetesIQ wants to improve health for diabetics with some fun and games.

Role of innovations in diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic and complex disease. It is the seventh leading cause of death in countries like the United States. Statistics show that there are around 26 million Americans with both diagnose as well as undiagnosed diabetes. On the other hand, they would be cared for by probably less than 4000 medical personnel trained in diabetes management. Education is a fundamental part of therapy. Almost anything you do can change your blood sugar and your response to insulin.
This app expects to assist patients with diabetes by offering them a complete Diabetes Self Management Curriculum. It also provides the public with timely information to better manage the disease. This application is the logical way of reaching a broader audience. However, it includes the youngest generations of people with diabetes. The successful working of the application makes it a significant leader for developing applications to seek improvement in other fields of medical care.
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