A Complete Guide For IIT JEE Main – JEE Advanced Exam 2024 | ACEIT

 For over a period of time, people were studying process to crack JEE Advanced, but now the trend is slowly moving towards smarter ways of understanding and learning subjects. Being a bookworm will no longer help any student of engineering college to prosper in their JEE Advanced.

 All IIT aspirants must prepare a smart strategy and clear the exam with flying colours. Last moment preparations for JEE Advanced are completely based on an expert’s guidance and level of confidence. Candidates can check different preparation strategies to boost their study and score well in the entrance examination. While both examinations are quite different from each other, but some of the preparation strategies for JEE Main and JEE Advanced are similar in nature. Some most popular ones are as follows:

  1. Time Management - First of all, the students of best engineering colleges in Jaipur are required to learn how to manage their time. Since the examination is time limited, the students should know how to use their time wisely so that the JEE exam can be finished at a comfortable pace. Individuals should practice how to manage the order of answering the questions in the examination to do well in the real examination.
  2. Match your calibre - While creating a study schedule, the students should prepare it according to their caliber. For instance, experts emphasizes that students who have chances of scoring high and have prepared well should focus more on attempting mock tests and previous questions during the last few months before the examination. Meanwhile the other students should revise their concepts first and then focus on mock tests.
  3. Refer to NCERT - ‘Students should confirm the boundaries of NCERT’. For Physics and Chemistry, most of the questions in the entrance examination is considered from NCERT and CBSE books. Therefore, individuals should focus on NCERT and try to understand the nature and depth of the concepts.
  4. Practice Mathematics Questions - However, for Mathematics, there is much more than NCERT. The students of top engineering colleges in Jaipur are required to practice problems from other books too to score well in the examination.
  5. Do not Neglect Practical Manuals – Experts emphasizes that they feel students neglect practical manuals of Physics and Chemistry a lot which leads to them losing marks in the examination. Questions from these manuals are often present in the examination paper and the graduates are advised not to skip them.
  6. Solve Previous Question Papers - Students should solve at least previous 15-year questions to prepare for the JEE examination. This enables them to understand the pattern in how the paper is to be attempted. All questions should be properly read and solved till the end. Do not just jump to another question before finishing the previous one. This will make the students lose two questions.
  7. Self-Motivation – Later during the preparation, the student’s motivation and zeal is the biggest aspect which will influence the direction of their preparation.

Extra Preparation Strategies For JEE Main Examination 

  1. Along with targeting on previous JEE Main papers, the students of best BTech colleges Jaipur should also refer to previous JEE Advanced question papers especially objective and numerical value type questions. There are wide chances of these questions being repeated for JEE Main.
  2. For Mathematics, an individual should focus on core areas like Quadratics, Sets & Relations, Binomial, Mathematical Reasoning and Statistics. These subjects are very elementary and will fetch good marks. Also, Calculus can be studied by the students to score well in JEE Main.
  3. In terms of Chemistry, expert believes that most of the questions will be directly from NCERT. Topics like Biomolecules and Biochemistry must be studied well by the students.
  4. Focus of the graduates of the list of engineering colleges in Jaipur should be on getting enough scores to qualify for JEE Advanced.

Extra Preparation Strategies For JEE Advanced Examination

  1. According to the expert, since some IIT’s will be preparing the JEE Advanced 2022 question papers, the students should refer to the papers of 2007 and 2015 since the same authorities had prepared those also. This will let aspirants to know the mindset of how the papers can be prepared by the authorities.
  2. Students of private engineering colleges in Jaipur should have more exposure to numerical value type questions more than one answer type questions.
  3. In Mathematics, the graduates should put more focus on Algebra and Calculus. According to the previous year papers, there is more weightage on these topics.
  4. Physics topics like Mechanics and Electricity have good weightage.
  5. For Chemistry, equal weightage is grant for all sections including Organic (33%), Inorganic (33%) and Physical Chemistry (33%). However, the authorities will make the Physical Chemistry questions complex to keep the standards of the examination high.
  6. Graduates should also prepare questions from each topic which have not been asked in the previous papers.
  7. During the preparation period, individuals should give priority to the important areas, change their orientation and focus on those particular models.


For the last-minute preparation of both JEE Main and JEE Advanced, experts says that students must concentrate on formulas, prepare the core flashcards from each subject and place it in front of the desk and go through it. Also, individuals are advised not to refer to anything new, drink water and not to solve any unnecessary problems from any new areas.


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