How is Emotional Intelligence different from AI? - Arya College


What Is Emotional Intelligence?

EQ means to understand, use, and manage your feelings to reduce stress, communicate effectively with others, empathize with them, and overcome challenges also we tend to think of our emotions and our intelligence as two separate things also put them together as emotional intelligence, and it’s essentially a different way to be smart also the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically according to the dictionary definition So The term was made popular by psychologist Daniel Goleman in his book.

Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important?

It can assist you in building stronger relationships, achieving success at school and work, and achieving your career and personal goal and it can help you connect with your feelings.

Emotions have always been in the workplace, but they were to be kept in check, with people pretending not to feel while they were on the clock.

Companies that are hiring want to make sure they choose job candidates who will mesh well with existing teams, So as a result, about 71 percent of organizations are now valuing emotional in an employee over IQ and Even the smartest person needs good people skills to succeed these days and A high IQ alone is no longer enough.

Components Of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Seven Components of Emotional Intelligence


When we’re self-aware, we know our strengths and weaknesses, as well as how we react to situations and people, also This information can help us to set boundaries and manage our interactions with others in a way that is authentic to us and when we know ourselves well, we can be more effective communicators.


Self-management is the process of taking charge of one's life and making decisions that affect oneself and It is about being proactive and responsible for one's well-being also Self-management involves setting goals.


It is a very important thing that Self-aware, emotionally intelligent people can regulate their emotions and keep them in check as necessary. 


People with high emotional intelligence tend to be highly motivated as well, which makes them more resilient and optimistic and They find ways to enjoy life even during difficult times.


People with empathy and compassion are simply better at connecting with other people and They can see things from other people’s perspectives, and this enables them to build relationships that are based on mutual understanding and respect also People with empathy and compassion can also easily relate to other people’s emotions, which makes them better at providing support and comfort, Lastly, people with empathy… 

Social Skills

These skills of emotionally intelligent people show they genuinely care for and respect others and they get along well with them. 

Relationship Management

It is the process of building and maintaining positive relationships with customers, clients, partners, and others who can help the organization achieve its goals also Effective relationship management can result in increased sales.

Measurement Of Emotional Intelligence

It is the best proven world-class scenario and it makes it possible to witness how candidates interact with others in the initial meeting also every interaction ought to be the same for the evaluation to be fair to everyone, That's where the latest, sophisticated Emotional Intelligence tests come in also Self-reporting, other-reporting, and ability testing are the three widely used measuring methods of Emotional Intelligence (EI).

Self-reporting - It is something similar to the personality test that mostly all humans do and This methodology is useful for determining how candidates view themselves, but it has some drawbacks A reliable method for assessing innate characteristics like those found in personality tests is self-report testing and Self-reporting would be a reliable indicator of Emotional Intelligence.

Ability testing - Ability testing is the most dependable type of testing for EI testing and It may initially seem impossible to precisely measure and assess a person's level of Emotional Intelligence.

How Is Emotional Intelligence Different From AI?

Some of the differences between EI and AI

  1. Emotional intelligence is something related to humans and hearts and 
  2. AI is the theory and development process of computers On the other hand, emotional intelligence refers to the handling, management, and response of human emotions.
  3. AI algorithms once fixed don't change unless altered by a human hand, while emotional intelligence changes from situation to situation and varies from time to time.
  4. AI automatically analyzes gathered information and finds current errors and Emotional intelligence works on current and live information.
  5. Emotional intelligence focuses on manual labor and AI is a game of machines and technologies.
  6. It builds the emotional competencies of individuals and there is no such role of AI in building personal development.
  7. Emotional intelligence builds the leaders or manpower and AI builds the machine power or workers.

Importance Of EQ (Emotional Intelligence) In Artificial Intelligence

The booming growth of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), like most transformational technologies, is both exciting and scary and It’s exciting to consider all the ways our lives may improve, from managing our calendars to making medical diagnoses, but it’s scary to consider the social and personal implications — and particularly the implications for our careers. 

It’s long been known that AI and automation/robotics will change markets and workforces and Self-driving cars will force over three thousand truck drivers to seek new forms of employment.

As AI improves, which is happening quickly, a much broader set of “thinking” rather than “doing” jobs will be affected also We’re talking about jobs, that, until the last few years, we couldn’t imagine being done without the participation of an actual, trained human being, So Jobs like a teacher, doctor, financial advisor, stockbroker, marketer, and business consultant.

There are just a lot of things that machines can do better than human beings, and we shouldn’t be too proud to admit it Many skilled jobs follow the same general workflow:

  • Gather data
  • Analyze the data
  • Interpret the results
  • Determine a recommended course of action
  • Implement the course of action

We can look at any number of occupations to see that this holds and Doctors perform tests, analyze the results, and interpret the results to make a diagnosis.

These Two AI and machine learning will quickly surpass our abilities on the first two capabilities—and this will shift the skillset required for any worker wishing to stay in these careers as they are transformed by artificial intelligence.

We’ve accepted that machines can do these types of tasks efficiently so their potential goes much further.  Human beings are limited and often biased and Doctors will never be able to keep up with every new publication in their areas of expertise, Instead, they must rely on a small number of personal experiences rather than the complete knowledge of their field also From a narrow set of experiences, they form their preferences, expectations, and insights.  

But a new generation is engaging with smart machines that they trust, and often prefer, So it’s hard for anyone to argue with the results IBM’s Watson is already cracking medical cases that stump doctors, and investors are fleeing expensive, actively managed funds for better-performing passive ones. 

We’ve all experienced the doctor, financial planner, or consultant who is more focused on his or her reports and data than on our unique situations and desires Examine your capabilities in interacting with, motivating, and assessing people and Recognize your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to emotional intelligence.

Invest in developing your emotional intelligence and Or, take it a step further by seeking out training and stretch opportunities.

Begin to nurture and invest in these abilities the same way that you have the more technical parts of your career you can be an outstanding motivator, manager, or listener and then you will still have a part to play as technology changes your industry.

Final Words

An interesting thing is happening in the 21st-century workplace also The more technology we have in this digital age, the more we automate tasks and trust machines to take over duties and the more we realize the importance of emotions; more specifically, the more we recognize the importance of emotional intelligence.  Arya College of Engineering & IT has AI courses in their institute in which students are learning well with their faculties and making their careers

We can recognize emotions in ourselves and others, understand their effects and use that knowledge to guide our thoughts and behaviours Because emotionally intelligent people tend to get along better with others.


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