Top 10 Applications of Java Programming Language - Arya College


Technology is constantly going through an evolution and so are the languages that are used to develop them. Java is one of the popular programming languages having “n” number of applications. The top applications for the Java experts of best engineering colleges in Jaipur are as follows:

  1. Mobile Applications

Java is considered as the official programming language for mobile app development. It is compatible with software such as Android Studio and Kotlin. Now you must be wondering why only Java? The reason is that it can run on Java Virtual Machine (JVM), whereas Android uses DVK(Dalvik Virtual Machine) to execute class files. These files are further bundled as Android application Package (APK). With Java and its OOPs principles, it provides better security and ease of simplicity with Android.

  1. Desktop GUI Applications

All desktop applications can easily be developed in Java by the professionals of top engineering colleges in Jaipur. Java also provides GUI development capability through various means mainly Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), Swing and JavaFX. While AWT holds a number of pre-assembled components like menu, list, button. Swing is a GUI widget toolkit, it provides certain advanced elements like trees, scroll panes, tables, tabbed panel, and lists.

  1. Web-based Applications

Java is also used to develop web applications. It provides a vast support for web applications through Servlets, Struts or JSPs. With the help of these technologies, you can develop any kind of web application that you require. The easy coding and high security offered by this programming language allow the development of a large number of applications for health, social security, education, and insurance.

  1. Enterprise Applications

Java is the first choice of many software developers of top computer science engineering colleges inn Jaipur for writing applications and Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is a very popular platform that provides API and runtime environment for scripting. It also includes network applications and web-services. JavaEE is also considered as the backbone for a variety of banking applications which have Java running on the UI to back server end.

  1. Scientific Applications

Sofware developers see Java is the weapon of choice when it comes to coding the scientific calculations and mathematical operations. These programs are designed to be highly secure and lighting fast. they support a higher degree of portability and offer low maintenance. Some of the most powerful applications like the MATLAB use Java for interacting user interface as well as part of the core system.

  1. Gaming Applications

Java has the support of the open-source most powerful 3D-Engine, the jMonkeyEngine that has the unparalleled capability when it comes to the designing of 3D games. However, it does cause an occasional latency issue for games as garbage collection cycles can cause noticeable pauses. This issue will be solved in the newer versions of JVMs.

  1. Big Data technologies

Java is the reason why the leading Big Data technologies like Hadoop have become a reality and also the most powerful programming languages like Scala are existing. It is crystal clear that Java is the backbone for the students of private engineering colleges in Jaipur when it comes to developing Big Data using Java.

  1. Business Applications

Java EE platform is designed to help developers create large-scale, multi-tiered, scalable, reliable, and secure network applications. These applications are designed to solve the problems encountered by large enterprises. The features that make enterprise applications powerful, like security and reliability, often make these applications complex. The Java EE platform reduces the complexity of enterprise application development by providing a development model, API, and runtime environment that allow developers to concentrate on functionality.

  1. Distributed Applications

Distributed applications have several common requirements that arise specifically because of their distributed nature and of the dynamic nature of the system and platforms they operate on. Java offers options to realize these applications for the students of BTech colleges. The Jini (Java Intelligent Networking Infrastructure) represents an infrastructure to provide, register, and find distributed services based on its specification. One integral part of Jini is JavaSpaces, a mechanism that supports distribution, persistence, and migration of objects in a network.

  1. Cloud-Based Applications

Cloud computing means on-demand delivery of IT resources via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. It provides a solution for IT infrastructure at a low cost. Java provides you with features that can help you build applications meaning that it can be used in the SaaS, IaaS and PaaS development. It can serve the companies to build their applications remotely or help companies share data with others, whatever the requirement.


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