5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Engineering as a Career in Arya College


Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur has undertaken a challenging project to create a new model of engineering education by challenging the conventional approach and underlying assumptions. We at Arya College are a very significant transformation the technical education for B Tech Students. Also, fast-moving ahead to create the most innovative model of technical education in India.

We are challenging the conventional models of the curriculum, courses, assessments, pedagogy, student engagement, and everything else related to technical education by putting Industry 4.0, Design Thinking, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Sustainability at the core of everything. Therefore, the Institute of Engineering and Information Technology is very closely collaborating to create a new paradigm of engineering education.

Experience innovative project-based and experiential education at Arya College

Arya College offering an excellent inclusive option at Jaipur welcoming all those B Tech students who like to experience innovative project-based and experiential education. Also, for those who feel uncomfortable with rote learning. It is best for those who are bored with old-style exams and want to do assignments and projects and face open book exams. Good for those who love to be active and reflective. It is absolutely good for those who are excited by the opportunities to integrate and collaborate. Consequently, the institute is good for B Tech Students who want advanced classrooms to the places of activities not just listening. Institute has a well-furnished and big library at the campus. The college is best for students who want a good variety of cultural, academic and sports activities on the college campuses. For those who don’t want to wear some uniforms every day.

Key Features of the B Tech Programs at Arya College

Arya is the Best B Tech College in Jaipur in terms of technical education. Here are some key features of the B Tech programs at Arya College:

  • Pollution-free green and clean 25+ Acre campus with excellent infrastructure.
  • Steller Board of Management, Board of academic advisors, Academic council, and Board of Studies comprising of several well-known external experts from academia and industry to continuously advise and support.
  • The synergy between Engineering and Management facilitating inter-institute collaborations, projects, and courses.
  • Highly experienced, innovative and proven academic leadership.
  • Advanced learning classes.
  • Regular guest lectures by eminent experts in various fields.
  • Excellent faculty members at the Institute of Engineering and Information Technology having Ph.D., MTech from reputed institutes.
  • Excellent Lab facilities for B Tech Students.
  • Accomplished Library for Students.
  • The institute has talent encouraging inclusive admission policy. For instance, students who have some extraordinary talents and aptitude for projects, extracurricular, and creative work are admitted.
  • Good sports facilities – Subsequently, the Best Private Engineering College in Jaipur has large Cricket ground, Basket Ball Court, Badminton Court, Volley Ball court.
  • Several annual events – Arya Ratan, Arya Cup, Goonj, Top Gun, Graduation, Exergie, Hackathon, conferences, workshops, seminars throughout the year.

Features of 2020-21 B Tech Curriculum

Main Features of 2020-21 BTech (Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, Mechanical Engineering) Curriculum:

  • Well rounded flexible Curriculum, backed by sound research in engineering-education, designed to offer highly active, integrative, collaborative and reflective learning experiences to the B Tech students for grooming competent engineers.
  • Special emphasis on modern technologies of data analytics, IoT, embedded systems, automation, computing for engineering analysis, digitization, intelligent systems, etc., in all disciplines of engineering. Courses in these areas start in the first semester itself.
  • Huge emphasis on engineering projects and “learning by doing” starting from 1st semester itself.
  • Focus on Outcome Based Education. All B Tech courses focussing on engineering skills of application, analysis, integration, planning, design, development, evaluation, testing and much more.


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