Strategies for BTech Colleges in Rajasthan


The ways of learning and teaching in the classroom of BTech Colleges in Jaipur requires some strategies or techniques for its smooth functioning. A widely used teaching strategies consists of different questioning techniques that are researched across the globe. Research has been conducted which shows that asking different questions in the classroom allows teachers to conduct the biggest effective lectures. Also, it has been found that most of the teachers spent their instructional time in the classroom by asking more questions. But nobody has ever realized whether or not these questions are helping in providing achievement to the students. Different purposes to ask effective questions include the following:

  1. It allows students of engineering colleges in Rajasthan to show their active involvement in the lesson.
  2. It helps candidates in increasing their motivation or interests.
  3. Evaluate the preparation of students.
  4. Check whether the work of a person is completed or not.
  5. Get an effective review of the classroom lessons.

In some cases, a single question in the classroom has had more than one purpose or vice-a-versa. Various researches have been conducted by the students of BTech Colleges Rajasthan. Which shows that the instructions or strategies that contain some kind of questions in the classroom are more effective than the instruction’s made without any questions.

With this research, professionals analyzed that questioning is the best research-based strateges that works effectively as per classroom instruction. There are some questions that focus on the attention of the students based on the important elements of a lesson. Professionals of engineering colleges Jaipur have identified a hierarchy. That increases the complex and intellectual skills of the students to classify some basic and important classroom questions in this. These questions might help you during the instructions. It includes six basic categories like:

Basic Categories

  1. Knowledge – Helps in information and data recall.
  2. Comprehension – Allows you to understand the meaning of the question asked.
  3. Application – Use this concept in new and complex situations in the classroom.
  4. Analysis – Separates different concepts into parts and help the student in distinguishing different facts and inferences.
  5. Synthesis – Help the students of BTech Colleges Jaipur in forming a new meaning by combining different parts.
  6. Evaluation – Helps to make judgments about the value of different ideas or products.

While some professionals of top engineering colleges Rajasthan have classified these effective questions in higher and lower cognitive questions. Higher intellectual questions mainly include questions that are evaluative, inferential, open-ended, inquiry, interpretive, and synthesis. Similarly, lower intellectual question types include direct, fact, closed, knowledge, or recall questions. For producing and supporting an answer, mental manipulation of information gets involved.

For the increased learning, achievement, and obtaining higher quality answers, most of the experts of Top BTech Colleges in Rajasthan suggest higher cognitive questions be used inside the classroom. But some of the experts feel that lower cognitive questions in the classroom instructions are most effective and beneficial for the primary students.

Types of questions asked

Questions that are asked above the primary grades consider a higher percentage of questions contained by the category of higher cognitive questions. Instead of having the exclusive use of both questioning techniques, studies of best engineering colleges in Rajasthan show the combination of both lower and higher cognitive question elements will prove effective and efficient. The increase in the use of higher cognitive questions results in the production of superior learning gains. On the other hand, it does not reduce the performance of a student when lower cognitive questions are asked in the classroom.

It is significant for the students of engineering colleges to understand the accurate instructions. So that they can answer these types of questions and include inferences in their answers. When this instruction is used with the conjunction of higher cognitive questions. It results in the positive impact of the achievement of the students.

When an engineering candidate asks some questions, the response of a teacher plays a significant role similar to the role of the question asked. Students can be redirected if an incorrect answer is given and he/she will misinterpret the question. When a student gives partial answers in the classroom, a teacher has the full right to ask further explanation for the same question.


In different questioning techniques, teachers of engineering colleges Rajasthan require no training. Therefore, it is significant for them to maintain familiarity with the research as it is good to place to start with. The improvement in the questioning area in classrooms requires a meta-cognitive and reflective approach.

Teachers must plan and write questions that could be used in the lessons. Also, they could determine the number of questions used as higher cognitive or lower cognitive along with the percentage for the ability level and age of your students. It is important to assume possible responses of students especially the correct and the incorrect ones.

In addition, teachers of Private Engineering Colleges Jaipur should ask their colleagues to observe a particular lesson, pay attention to different types of questions and student responses. They must meet on a regular basis for the purpose of observation and improvement in the plan. When teachers teach a lesson, it is essential for them to record everything. After that, when they watch a particular recording, record our wait-time for each question. If they are giving longer wait time to each of the student, note it or try to examine your feedback.


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