Factors that Influence Participation In Online Learning - Arya College


A traditional student of top engineering colleges India in an on-ground class gets to know his or her fellow classmates and instructor by sharing personal interactions regularly. With this, the online student often “attends class” independently of the instructor or other students. Online classes are asynchronous. In other words, students and the instructor do not have to be logged into the classroom at any given time. Online students most often will complete course activities like adding reactions to responses posted in a discussion thread at a day and time most convenient to their schedules.

Students of Best Engineering Colleges Jaipur who enjoy face-to-face immediate interactions room may not find the online classroom a “good fit”. There are some of the important study habits and personality traits of successful online students.

Take Responsibility for the Learning Process

Successful online students of top BTech colleges understand that their instructors are facilitators of their learning process. Also, an individual must be a dedicated and goal-oriented self-starter. They are highly motivated and goal-oriented. Also, they put their schoolwork at the top of their list of priorities. Successful online students are not even afraid to ask questions. However, they ask for clarification after having successful attempt to understand the material on their own by re-reading the textbook, the instructions, or lecture.

Independent Learners

Online students of best btech colleges must feel comfortable in a learning environment. That places emphasis on individuals taking responsibility for their learning process. While the online classroom mainly includes interactions between the instructor and student, they are not immediate as in a traditional on-ground classroom. Online instructors answer questions and further provide clarification of information to students as they would in the traditional classroom. With this, students must be comfortable waiting up to 24 hours for a response to their emails.

A complex week for an online student might include Reading through the current week’s assignments and lecture materials, reading the textbooks for the class as assigned and identifying important points and supporting details, discussing through a discussion board, the responses of fellow classmates, responding by a deadline to discussion questions as posted by the instructor, completing and sending an assignment to be graded by the instructor, completing an assignment by deadline in a work group comprised of four or five classmates, etc.


Successful online students of Top BTech Colleges in India must be self-disciplined and goal-oriented while completing their weekly assignments, post email messages, and work with their classmates in their online class. Online classes move quickly and instructors often will not enable individuals to “make up” missed online discussions or assignments.

Proficient Readers & Communicators

Online classes are reading intensive. Therefore, students of private engineering colleges India are expected to glean information from their texts and from online materials to apply to work assigned to them. Before enrolling, they required to take the asset and/or compass tests. It is a score of 40 on the reading and comprehension sections of the asset placement test. Or at least an 81 on the compass placement test. It reflects minimum college-level reading and comprehension skills.

Basic Computer Skills

The computer is an integral part of every online classroom. While mastering the lessons of your online course, students of Engg colleges do not want to be settle with less-than-adequate computer skills. These basic skills primarily include proficiency in sending and receiving emails with attachments, cutting and communicating with fellow students in Discussion threads, pasting from Word.

Set a Schedule & Keep to It

Online instructors expect their students of engineering colleges India in getting organized. It will set a schedule which further let them meet their deadlines. Most online classes require regular signing in and posting of messages in the classroom and let them stay current with class activities which include interacting in discussion threads and work groups, reading messages and lecture, and posting assignments.

Online instructors expect successful graduates to log at least three-five hours of online work a week. Additionally, most students find they are successful if they log two hours of homework for every credit hour of class. Successful online students suggest that they log many hours above the minimum 12 hours, as expected.

Meet Deadlines

Online students of engineering colleges Jaipur who are successful in completing their courses know how to schedule their time to meet deadlines for work group activities, classroom discussions, and graded assignments. Successful online students understand others in their classroom. They are counting on their participation in work group activities and classroom.

Not Easily Frustrated

Students of top Engg colleges India in an online class faced with obstacles that are out of their control. Sometimes, computers can break, ISP servers can crash, and electric power can go out. A successful online student identifies solutions for unexpected disasters or incidents by thinking ahead about significant solutions to potential problems. For this, you can use a friend or relative’s computer, access a computer in one of the computer labs on campus. Remember to save all online classroom work to a CD, floppy disk, zip disk, or flash disk. So if your hard drive crashes, you do not “lose” your work.

Comfortable in Cyberspace

Most online classes at top private engineering colleges India do not provide visual or auditory images of the instructors or students. Thus, “who you are” in class is basically conveyed by the messages you post in the class discussion threads. Or even work groups. Also, an individual should be comfortable with this alternative method of creating a “picture” of who they are and what they think.

Remember Netiquette

Successful online students of top engineering colleges Jaipur exhibit respect for the classroom environment. And also, remember their “manners” when communicating to their fellow classmates and to their instructor. They understand that taking out their anger or frustration on their classmates and their instructor is not proper “netiquette” any more than it would be in a traditional classroom.

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