Learning technologies used in Best B Tech Colleges in Jaipur


Education through classroom has many flaws like – increasing the population of students and teaching restricted to classrooms only. The solution to these flaws lies in ICT (Information Communication Technology) based learning like more virtual universities, cost-effective solutions, and shared whiteboards. Smart Classes are necessary for the effective teaching-learning process at Best B Tech Colleges in Jaipur which enhances interactive visual communication.

Classroom teaching methodologies

Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan implements latest classroom teaching methodologies. They practice outcome based teaching-learning processes including industry ready curriculum, research orientation at the undergraduate level, highly qualified & skilled faculty expertise in respective domains, and infrastructure makes it the best choice for an educational destination. Become a part of this academic excellence institution.

Traditional-based learning

Traditional Approaches includes learning things through the books, experiments, past experiences and with the help of teachers. The boom of computer science, communication, and electronic technology in 21st century modernize the way of teaching and learning.

Now the books and lectures have been turned into eBooks, PDFs (portable document files) webinars and presentations etc. This type of education system called an e-learning system has facilitated us to gain knowledge in a more effective way that improves the level of understanding of the students of Best Engineering College Kukas.

People have changed their styles to e-learning

When the e-learning became popular, the users started feeling that they need more personal applications. That can provide the same facility when they are outside. Therefore, it leads to the development of mobile devices based application for learning at Engineering Colleges in Jaipur and named as m-learning. Mobile devices require different platforms hence they are separately grouped together. Therefore, the learning process has become more interactive, more personal and instant availability.

Independent Ubiquitous learning

The next advancement in technology is ubiquitous computing i.e. u-learning. As the use of mobile devices is possible whenever we are present, ubiquitous computing provides the information to the students of B Tech College in Rajasthan. It is critical to reach like- forest and wild animal’s habitats. Ubiquitous computing comprises of the technologies- human computer interaction, wireless sensor networks, context-based computing, mobile computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, distributed computing, natural user interface, physical computing, virtual reality etc.

Mobile-learning solutions

Best Private Engineering College in Jaipur committed to build competency in engineering & research and in exploring innovation significant for society and meeting industrial expectations. However, the value-based teaching fosters outcome based learning process. Currently, students of B Tech courses have attained the capability to make mobile applications centric for m-learning. Also, they are making use of virtual lab which is part of u-learning and progressing towards building u-learning applications.


Hence, for having a bright future it has become necessary that the learning mechanism must be strong for better understanding. Earlier there was “Textual era”, presently it is “Digital era” and future can be either “Virtual Era” or “Smart Era”.

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