Why an Engineer has brighter chance to become Entrepreneurship

As an engineering student and a future engineer, you are considered to be the one with most innovative mind, awesome ideas and deep knowledge and interest of technology. This is particularly the reason why you chose to be an engineer. If these skills remain alive after your graduation, chances are more that you will gain much boost in your knowledge, brains, innovations and management. The great news is, our education system helps us to not only retain these skills but also helps boosting them. And this is the reason engineers are making their career in technology, finances, defense, banking, management, and other industries.
If we combine all these skills, this is what exactly required being an entrepreneur. Have you ever wondered why technology is driving the current world? And have you ever wondered why the founders of leading tech companies are engineers? The answer is simple. All of them had the vision and innovative brains with them which could change the world, let technology drive the world, create millions of job and make largest part of the economy.
As an engineer, if you have the same vision and innovative ideas in your mind, you are a perfect entrepreneur material. The only obstacle in this path is our conservative or somewhere afraid mind, which stops us from taking one such decision. Most of us have a clear vision and motive of their life; getting their degree, getting a highly paying job and securing the future. But when looked closely, we are working for another engineer in such situation because it was an engineer with some broad vision who started the company you are currently working in.
Indeed, it is not possible for every engineer to drive his life the way he wants, because this will create a situation where there will be no employees and only entrepreneurs will live. But still, engineers are those who can contribute the maximum to the society with their knowledge and vision. Therefore, there should be no doubt saying that engineers have a brighter chance of entrepreneurship.
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