What is the basic difference between a BE and a BTech?

Find the Perfect Engineering Course at B Tech College in Jaipur

Students planning to do their graduation in engineering often find difficulty in selecting their degree course BE or B Tech from B Tech College in Jaipur. Most of the people are not aware of the difference between BE or B Tech Courses. In order to understand this, it is important to learn how these degrees came into existence.

What Is the Difference between BE and B Tech?

In countries like India, there are two types of universities. One that offers degrees in different fields like Arts, Science, Engineering, etc. and the second set of universities offers degrees in engineering area only. Some Engineering Colleges in Jaipur offers other degrees along with the engineering degree named as BE (Bachelors in Engineering) and some institutes constitute engineering studies named as B Tech (Bachelor of Technology).

Bachelor of Engineering (BE)

In order to choose this program, students at the Best Engineering Colleges in Jaipur require 10+2 qualification. Then, they have to attend national and state level entrance examinations to get admissions in the college that offers BE courses. This program concentrates more on theoretical knowledge by applying the development of innovative equipment and useful technical gadgets in Science and Technology. This degree course in great demand and you can use it anywhere. It has a time period of four years which requires the project part to complete in the final year of the course.

Bachelor of Technology (BTech)

The graduate level program in the form of Bachelor of Technology offers by top engineering colleges in Jaipur. It requires attending state level and national level entrance examinations. Admissions are on the basis of scores getting in the admission test. This is highly practically oriented course. It mainly applies the principles of engineering and technology for modifying structures and enhances their quality. This requires applying the latest available technology.

A deep understanding of BE and B Tech

  • A course in BE deals more at the engineering aspects of science. While a course in B Tech deals with the technical aspects. The Engineering in science branch deals more at an academic level. It involves understanding the theoretical concepts and the improvement trial by B Tech Colleges in Jaipur on theoretical and scientific principles. However, they are already in existence.
  • A Technology course, however, looks at the practical aspects of the engineering. It requires applying the engineering concepts on a daily basis.
  • Engineering is like a scientist who works on the concepts in the lab. Whereas a technologist not only works in the lab but also looks to transform this concept into a practically viable option.
  • An engineer is the one who invents; a technologist is the one who innovates. However, a technologist may develop new technology by working at constantly improving upon that technology to make it more self-sustainable.


In conclusion, both of these courses at top 5 engineering colleges in Jaipur need considerable command over arithmetical as well as basic science concepts. However, a technologist also has to consider economic stand-points. It includes the other hazards of what would happen if it were in general practical use. The work of technologists focuses more on product development, improvement, manufacturing, construction, and engineering operational functions. Basically, an engineer is a scientist, whereas a technologist is an entrepreneur.
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