What are the career options after B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering | Arya College

Mechanical Engineering is one of the soul branches of engineering course and it is viewed as a difficult course too. However, there are plenty of opportunities posts of B Tech in Mechanical Engineering for all the eligible candidates. For Instance, below are given the list of career opportunities for Mechanical Engineering passed outs which will help you in the direction where your career should be moving and in case if you have still not decided what to do.
Following are the Career Opportunities after Mechanical Engineering at Best B Tech College in Jaipur:-

A career with Government Jobs

  • Most of the time every Mechanical engineer objects for this goal during their graduation. Government Jobs include various jobs like ESE, ISRO, Railways or state PSC attribute to their engineering field.
  • Most of the PSU give jobs through the “GATE” Examination while others conduct their own exam. If a candidate is aspiring for a Government job, they should begin their preparation from the pre-final year, so that they can give their best and get their job successfully in this sector.

Go with Higher Studies

Candidates can also go with higher studies in whatever field they are interested in (Technical/Non-Technical).

Masters Course in Technical Field

Most of the aspirants plan for higher studies after engineering in India or abroad which opens various other options for their career. In India, for M Tech in various institutions like IISc or IITs, candidates need to appear for the GATE exam and they should aim for a rank below 1000. However, Mechanical engineers have various choices for their specialization & score in the entrance exam, they can choose as per their interest. Specializations available for Mechanical engineers are as follows:
  • Engineering Design
  • Material Technology
  • Automobile Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Energy Engineering & Management
  • Product Design and Development
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing

Masters Course in Non- Technical Field

  • MBA after engineering gives one of the highest career opportunities. Candidates can choose for MBA in India through various examinations like MAT, CAT, XAT, IBSAT, etc.
  • MBA from different universities abroad also a good career option where the candidate needed to appear for standard exams like GMAT, followed by language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, etc.
Boost your degree with Specialization courses
  • After graduation, candidates usually have an interest in a specific section of Mechanical branch either thermal, design or production.
  • Students interested in the designing part can go for added post-graduation courses such as AutoDesk, CREO, PRO-E, SOLIDWORKS SOLIDEDGE, etc.
  • Students interested in the production section can go with Cast Works, ASME-NDT or the online certificate course of GD&T are helpful and it will give an extra borderline to the qualification of the candidates.

Thanks for Read our blog, you can check out full blog on official Page Arya College, Arya is one of the Best Engineering College In Jaipur Rajasthan. In This College Many Branches for Engineering you can make great future with us. Arya 1st Old Campus Provides Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Electronics Engineering’s Branch for our Engineering students with top companies placements in campus.


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