What are the top project ideas for Electronics and Communication engineers?

Best ways to grade your final year practicals

A number of engineers pursuing BTech Electronics and Communication know the importance of building projects but many of them fail to complete it. Most of them invest a huge amount of time and money in building a wrong project. Project selection plays a significant role in the life of every engineer. In order to help you keep updated with these latest technologies, under mentioned are some of the latest electronics projects that you can do.

Latest Electronics (ECE) Project Ideas for Engineering Students

Smart Irrigation System using IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming technology which helps the students of Top Engineering Colleges in Jaipur to revolutionize all the electronic gadgets they can see in the coming years. This project is an application of the Internet of Things (IoT) Technology. It aims to develop a device that can monitor the moisture content of the soil. It turns on the water pump automatically whenever the moisture drops below a threshold value. This device consists of a program that can send an update to the user via email. It considers the moisture level that changes from a remote location.

Weather Monitoring System using IoT

For this, students of Electronics and Communication Engineering at B Tech College in Jaipur can use either an Arduino or Raspberry Pi platform to build it. For Raspberry Pi, you need to use Python programming languages while Arduino requires using a simple Arduino Programming. Moreover, it requires integrating a WiFi module to Arduino in order to transform it into an IoT device.

Automated Railway Crossing Project

This particular project is a solution to a real-life problem statement. Each and every day, we hear a lot of news regarding the number of people losing lives. Also, vehicles are getting into an accident at the unmanned railway gates. This electronics project gives an efficient solution to this complex problem. It allows the students of Best B Tech College in Jaipur to program the railway gates. It opens and closes them automatically by sensing the arrival of the train.

Animatronics Hand Project

Animatronics hand project is an application of mechatronics technology. Also, it is used by the students of BTech Electronics and Communication Engineering at Best Engineering Colleges in industries to mimic the action of animals and human through electronic devices. This particular technology is being widely used in the film industries. The main theme of this electronics project is to record the movement of the hand. Also, it sends the signals to an animatronics hand which then mimics the movement.

GPS & GSM based Tracker Device

From logistics service to tracking your taxi/ bus, all of these make use of GPS technology to pinpoint the location. However, the knowledge of this technology will help the students of Engineering Colleges in Jaipur to develop skills on them. Also, it builds more innovative projects when you progress in your career. So, this electronic project helps in building an electronic device that can track the location and send an update to the user as an email or SMS.
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