What are some fun facts that everyone should know?

Fascinating factors to learn in engineering colleges in Jaipur

Here’s a fact that everyone owning a piece of technology in Engineering Colleges in Jaipur is aware of important factors. Google is your number one search engine. Not only is it a portal to access everything you would like to know, but it also acts as an amazing backup when your parents come to check up on you.

Facts to know in a technological profession

Undermentioned are some interesting and surprising facts about Google that you must know.


When students of B Tech College in Jaipur perform a Google search, the machine checks the Google index to determine the relevant search results to be displayed to them. The search engine considers 200 factors before displaying you the best results for your query. Google mainly uses a special algorithm called the Googlebot. It generates search results. Sometimes, the results are rather surprising.


Google owns a cluster of domains like Google.com, Gogle.com, and Google .com. Its link with the Google.com is completely reasonable. However, Google also owns 466453.com. If users of Top Engineering Colleges in Jaipur take a look at their telephone keypad, they will see the matching between numbers and letters. It includes 4 – GHI, 6 – MNO, 6 – MNO, 4 – GHI, 5 – JKL. 3 – DEF, thus making 466453 as Google. So, if on typing any of these knowingly or unknowingly, it does not take you to some strange page. Instead, you will land up on Google.com only.


The foundation of Google at the very first day served ten thousand search queries per day. Currently, there are more than 2 million Google searches per second. The search engine finds a trillion unique URL’s on the web with the skills of B Tech Colleges in Jaipur grads. Crawls many billion sites a day and processes numerous searches every month.
Google takes on the best projects that could change the world for millions of people and the students of Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Jaipur. In 2012, Google introduced the special language in Gmail popular as Cherokee. It is the first Native American Tribal language that adds to the list. As part of this effort, Google also added Cherokee to its recently launched virtual keyboards for Gmail.
On August 30, 1998, the concept of the Google Doodle was formed to place a simple sick-figure drawing behind the second “o” in the word “Google”. To notify the Google users that the founders were “out of office” at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert they made the first Google logo art.
The only company with a clear goal to reduce the amount of B Tech Colleges grads spend on its site might be Google. Google engineers are encouraged to spend about 20 percent of their work time on projects that interest them using a policy often called Innovation Time Off.
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