What Are the Future Prospects of Biometrics?

Research opportunities in biometrics
In today’s time, it is significant to establish an individual’s identity of B Tech grads based on “who she is”, rather than by “what she possesses” or “what she remembers”. In other words, biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person’s identity based on a physiological (face, fingerprints, hand geometry, iris, retinal, vein, DNA, earprint) or behavioral (handwriting, voice, keystroke) characteristic with Biometric technology.
The need for biometrics technology can be found in government, military and commercial applications or the professional of B Tech College in Jaipur. However, it includes workstations, network, and domain access, single sign-on, application logon, data protection, remote access to resources, transaction security and web security.
Methods to use in biometric
Biometric recognition can be done via verification or authentication (one-one) or identification (one-many). In addition, the authentication process involves:
- Sensing
- Feature Extraction
- Pattern Matching
- Decision Making
Biometric technology traits are subject to:
- Noise in sensed data
- Intraclass variation
- Interclass similarity
- Non-universality
- Spoof attacks
Fusion scenarios by using Multimodal Biometrics
- Multiple sensors (2D and 3D image of the face), Single biometric trait,
- Single biometric trait, multiple classifiers (combine PCA, LDA, ICA for face or minutiae and texture-based for fingerprint)
- Single biometric trait, multiple units (combine 2 or more fingers of a single user or both irises)
- Multiple biometric traits (face, voice or face, fingerprint)
A particular biometric must possess the following characteristics:
- Universality (every individual must possess the biometric)
- Distinctiveness (unique to each individual)
- Permanence (invariant with time)
- Collectability (measurable)
- Acceptability
- Resistance to escape
However, human features all these properties that have not yet been identified. As a result, none of the existing uni-modal biometric systems provides perfect recognition and there is a scope for improving the performance of these systems for the students of Top Engineering Colleges in Jaipur.
How it captures all over your information?
Characteristics like skin color, eye color, hair color, presence of beard, presence of mustache, height, weight, keystroke, gait, age, height, ethnicity, and eye color though not unique and reliable, provide some information about the user of the list of engineering colleges in Jaipur. However, these characteristics refer to as “soft” biometrics traits and can complement the identity information provided by the primary biometric identifiers. These are easier to capture from a distance and do not require cooperation from the subjects.
In conclusion, Bio-Hash requires storage of biometric dependent public information by the students of Engineering Colleges in Jaipur. It applies to retrieve or generate keys, also refers to as helper data. There are further challenges in biometric key generation. Primarily, it is due to drastic acquisition variations in the representation of a biometric identifier and the imperfect nature of biometric feature extraction and matching algorithms.
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