what is biometrics ? Biometric technology creates societal

Anything that affects a large population eventually affects society and the same is true about technology. Society is made by people and their persistent social interaction. This interaction forms the basis of social structure. Societies largely affect human lives and individual actions.

Main Technologies in Professional industry


In the large modern world, technologies have become the mainstream for survival. Everything is running fast than usual. Biometric technology has become a huge part in everyone’s life especially the professional areas, as it is no longer the realm of fiction.

Anything that affects a large population eventually affects society. The same criteria work for the technologies as well. The society and the technology share an inseparable relationship of cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, and co-production. The introduction of new technologies requires the recognition of both people and society. Students must have a clear understanding of these technologies from the learning given by Arya College.

Core places for Biometrics

In recent years, Biometric technology has challenged the traditional methods of personal identification. Biometrics support personally identifiable biological patterns of human being in order to identify them uniquely. There are different forms of recognition that are used in law enforcement and forensics for more hundred years. In the past, the fingerprints and biological patterns only limited to anti-social elements and criminals. On the other hand, people are getting aware of the strengths and risk associated with the technology.
A large number of biological characteristics like finger and palm vein patterns, voice recognition, fingerprints, and iris are useful in the evolution of biometric identification capabilities are becoming standard on many devices we use each day. Despite this, the technology is treated differently in different societies..
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