How E-learning is transforming businesses? : ARYA COLLEGE

The digital transformation of learning and development With ever-evolving technology trends and the creation of new software, businesses are finding it hard to stay in-sync with the rapidly transitioning standards of applied Science and Engineering . In addition, when you hire a professional, it becomes your responsibility to keep them up to date with the latest developments in the IT world. Types of e-Learning The two types of E-learning commonly used by businesses are: Synchronous e-Learning Synchronous E-learning platforms deal with the interaction of participants with an instructor via the Web in real-time. It can be done via Virtual classrooms, which are quite similar to real classrooms. However, these are available online. In these online classrooms, participants interact with each other and instructors through a variety of services like chat, audio, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Asynchronous e-Learning Asynchronous e-Learning platforms allow ...